The Michigan Hemingway Society Fall Conference
October 7-9, 2022
This year’s conference fee is $180 for each 2022 member or $220 for non-members. If you have not paid your membership fee for 2022 you may do so now and receive the conference registration discount. If you don’t know your membership status email us at and we will respond. We will also respond if you make an educated guess and are incorrect.

2022 Conference Registration
Register online and there are no forms to print and fill out, no checks to write and mail, and you receive an immediate on screen confirmation plus a receipt by email. Online registration is safe and convenient. You also have the opportunity to pay with either your credit card or your PayPal account.
NOTICE: You must login first with a current membership to get the discounted conference price.
A late registration fee of $30 will apply after September 28th.